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Why are delegates important?

What do they do besides vote for the President and Vice President at the National Convention?

How many do I need to vote for?

  These are questions that have been asked to me since the mail-in ballots have been sent out and friends and family are contacting me and wanting answers of who to vote for. So here it goes -- let me dust off my 'teacher hat' and begin.

  • 1) Delegates officially nominate and confirm a candidate for President and Vice President. And in 2024 without any doubt my vote is for Donald Trump.

  • 2) Delegates are also charged with writing or revising and adopting a comprehensive Party Platform therefor it is important that your VOTE is for a true conservative Delegate! You can vote for 1 or up to 3 delegates (out of 10) and I am #4 on the ballot.


   Be aware that “elected legislators" & their family members across the state are also running for Delegate positions and just because they have an "R" after their name doesn't mean they vote with our conservative principles (et. al Uni-Party). Check their voting records. Political talk is cheap & so are political promises, hidden agendas & special interests and I personally have lost trust in them especially when it comes to election integrity. Make sure your vote is for someone that you can TRUST and that will stand firm on supporting Donald J. Trump' and his America First agenda without compromising and caving in to their special interest friends.

  We must restore trust & honesty to ensure OUR VOICES are heard in Washington DC & Harrisburg.

   In 2020 due to covid restrictions at the convention -- and since few delegates were permitted at the convention the RNC decided not to revise or write a new party platform and instead decided to adopt the same party platform used in 2016 since the number of delegates was reduced from 2,500 to 336 that were in attendance there. Both conservatives and moderate Republicans were dissatisfied with that decision as the 'social’ conservatives wanted new language on gender identity and late term abortions, and ‘social’ moderates said the current platform could alienate suburbanites".

   Therefore the platform that was adopted in 2016 and again adopted in 2020 without any revisions and that was Donald Trump's America First agenda and we need to continue that same platform and agenda in 2024.

   I hope this further explains the duties of a delegate and if there are any further questions please feel free to contact me.

PS. —Delegates are not paid to go to the convention and will have to pay their own travel expenses, hotels, meals and fees to get there which can be expensive.

   Let YOUR VOICE be heard on APRL 23 and please cast your vote for Melanie Stringhill Patterson to represent your voice at the Republican National Convention this summer as we unify to re-elect Donald Trump and officially launch the fall campaign.

Be careful who you vote for as we all know elections do have consequences and we are living through that right now.

Bob and Melanie Patterson Pictured above with Don Jr.

Bob and Melanie visited Mar-a-Lago to hear President Trump speak and also got to meet some great America First Folks! Bob also got the chance to golf, as a guest, on the famous Trump International Golf course.
(Note: Images are from various events that are shown.)

“Trump Rally on the River” in Monongahela on Labor Day 2020.  Enjoy the memories captured from photos and on other news outlets from videos shown below on that day. 


 Pictures of events the past few years with Melanie, from various Events, We the people and some familiar faces. 

The “grassroots” Trump Rally on the River put together in 2020 was very successful and many enjoyed this exciting event.  Save the date for this LABOR DAY 2024. We will also be Backing the Blue again as we did in 2020 selling chili with all proceeds going to our local police departments.
   We will be registering voters and Trump merchandise will also be available. More details and info to be announced this summer.


REMEMBER TO VOTE in this Primary and I ask for YOUR VOTE FOR MELANIE STRINGHILL PATTERSON FOR DELEGATE supporting DONALD TRUMP. I’m #4 on the ballot on the backside of the ballot. Thank you and please share.

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