"On this road called life, you have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never forget. People change. Things go wrong. But just remember, the ride goes on". J.M. Stone
February 2023
Latest Show Below and on rumble:
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Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests discussing local stories, news, faith, politics and much more..
Show Description: Jon Marietta with guests Garret and Todd discussing local news and politics.
Show Description: Jon Marietta, Dawn and Isabella with Guest Bob Baker discussing local news, politics, faith and other stories.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests discussing faith, freedom, local news, Politics and much more.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests Scott Dunn and Todd Minor with local news and Politics.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guest Robert Steven Harker discussing local news, faith, politics and much more.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests and callers discussing local news, faith, politics and much more.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests Melody and Richard, discussing locals news, faith, politics and much more.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Dawn, Isabella and guest Melinda Dellarose discussing local news, politics, faith, freedom and much more..
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Guests discussing local news, politics, faith, freedom and much more..
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Dawn and Ryan Porupski discussing local news, politics, faith freedom and much more.
Show Description: Jon Marietta with Dawn and Guests Mark Mahalov and Tony discussing Local News, Politics, Faith, freedom and much more.